2006: Are they hushing this up? Gun battle: Cops Vs Zimbabweans


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Ten Years After Apartheid (1994-2004): The Raw Facts
This is an article I wrote in 2004, exactly 10 years after hideous Black rule descended upon us. In here are lots of statistics and short bullet points showing the nightmare that South Africa had descended to under Black Communist rule.

Date & Time Posted: 6/28/2006 10:41:33 PM
Are they hushing this up? Gunbattle: Cops Vs Zimbabweans

[I am finding this interesting. According to SW Radio and ZimOnline, the gang of about 22 men who were armed with AK47?s and who fought a bloody gunbattle, killing 4 South African Police in Johannesburg on sunday, were in fact Zimbabweans.

Now interestingly, here in South Africa itself, I have NOT seen one newspaper nor TV station, including eTV, make mention of this. Nobody is mentioning that this vicious gang was Zimbabweans.

Is someone hushing it up? Or will this come out later? Do they fear anger if the South African public find out that this violence is spill-over from nasty Uncle Bob Mugabe up north? Do they fear public outrage over this?

As it is, the Minister of Safety and Security is taking heat for his lackadaisical attitude. Not that any of this heat will make him change his strategy one iota.

I do enjoy watching the “Democractic” ANC. I have *NEVER* seen them change any of their policies due to public pressure – not even if blacks are unhappy about something, will they listen to them. They continue, year in and year out with the same policies. That tells me that there is a firm design… a plan… which they aren”t telling anyone about. Jan]

Consulate says no proof armed robbers were Zimbabweans
Wed 28 June 2006

JOHANNESBURG – The Zimbabwe High Commission in South Africa has dismissed as unfounded media reports that eight armed robbers who were shot dead during an attempted robbery in Johannesburg last Sunday were Zimbabwean nationals.

A senior official at the Zimbabwean consulate in Johannesburg, Vusi Ntonga, said it was premature for the media to label the suspects Zimbabweans before investigations into the matter had been concluded.

“Whilst the ambassador would have been the right person to answer most of your questions, I would like to believe that the local media, especially one daily newspaper in question has an agenda against Zimbabweans.

“I don”t really understand the motive behind such kind of hate reporting. Investigations are still in progress but they have already concluded that the deceased were Zimbabweans,” said Ntonga.

The eight armed robbers were killed in a shoot-out which also claimed four South African police officers last Sunday.

Werner Muimeer, a chief superintendent with South Africa police said investigations into the shooting incident were still in progress and details on the matter will be released as soon as the investigations were over.

Zimbabwe”s ambassador to South Africa, Simon Khaya Moyo has in the past criticized South African media accusing the media of having an agenda meant to tarnish Zimbabwe”s image.

Khaya-Moyo has also criticised media reports linking Zimbabweans with violent crimes committed in South Africa arguing that such a portrayal promoted xenophobia against his country”s nationals. – ZimOnline

Source: Zim Online
URL: http://www.zimonline.co.za/printme.asp?ID=123

Source: http://archive.africancrisis.info/?p=110317

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