2005: S.Africa: Mbeki lies about Zimbabwe – Covers up Mugabe Rampage
2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!
This was a kickass Englishman I knew, who fought in Rhodesia and S.Africa. He ran a security company. He died under mysterious circumstances.
[President Mbeki is busy telling lies in his excellent diplomatic way. Let’s go over the various points he makes.
Firstly, he says we must give Zimbabwe cash to prevent it from collapsing and creating bigger problems. That sounds pretty neat and reasonable doesn’t it? But if he was a man truly intent on PREVENTING PROBLEMS, then why hasn’t he intervened during the last FIVE YEARS to try to get Mugabe to stop destroying the country? Why has he let Mugabe destroy everything in sight, from Commercial farms to people’s homes – and he NEVER ACTED!! Where was Thabo Mbeki when Mugabe’s front-end-loaders were smashing down Black people’s homes by the thousand?
Mbeki only “intervenes” when Mugabe asks him for a cash bail out. That is when Mbeki “does something” – and even that, is not about helping anyone in Zimbabwe. It is about preventing the collapse of an evil Marxist Regime that is about to lose its access to credit.
If Mbeki is concerned about the “collapse” of Zimbabwe – he should have thought about it years ago, as MILLIONS of Black Zimbabweans were fleeing across the borders creating havoc in neighbouring countries.
It is said that S.Africa, and the region has lost tens of billions of rands in foreign investment due to Mugabe’s insanity. International Businessmen steer clear of Southern Africa these days because of: ROBERT MUGABE!
So let’s not fool ourselves with Mbeki’s sweet – but completely empty words. Mbeki has sat by and done NOTHING for the last 5 years to change the fate of Zimbabwe. But he is getting up and acting just in time to save Mugabe’s evil regime as it finally runs out of steam – due to the almost complete destruction of the country’s economy. Just as Evil Mugabe and Zanu(PF) could be laid to rest, and a New Order could arise in that country, in steps Mbeki and the ANC to keep the Evil alive – to give it a boost.
Take note too, that the Media is full of stories and insinuations that the S.Africans will bail Mugabe out with “strings attached”. They keep hinting that S.Africa will force reforms on Mugabe so that there may be true democracy. Well… neither Mbeki, nor the ANC have ever made any official statements about the actual “conditions”. So far, I have seen no indications of any conditions whatsoever. As far as I’m concerned, I’m skeptical, and will wait to see what is stated out in the open.
Even though they all portray this as a “loan” to Zimbabwe, I think it should be viewed more as an ANC Donation – a Tithe if you will, to the God they worship: Mugabe (whom they wish they could emulate). I doubt that S.Africa will see so much as 1c of this money ever repaid, and I also don’t think this is the last time we will be “lending/donating” money to “Keep Mugabe Afloat Fund”.
Finally – not a word – not a PEEP out of Mbeki about the fact that Mugabe has smashed thousands of homes and made 1.5 million Black people homeless. Not a WORD of criticism.
People should see these signs clearly for what they are, and for the extremely evil portent this is of the future hell that awaits South Africans at the hands of the ANC. Jan]
The South African President, Thabo Mbeki, gave his clearest indication on Sunday that his government will give financial assistance to Zimbabwe.
“We engage them because we don’t want Zimbabwe collapsing next door. South Africa would inherit all the consequences of Zimbabwe collapsing,” he said. Mbeki said his finance minister and central bank governor were negotiating with top Zimbabwean officials to find ways to help the country pay for urgently needed imports of food, fuel and electricity. Zimbabwe needs $1-billion to stave off economic implosion, say Harare economists.
The announcement came as Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe, travelled to China to request financial assistance from Beijing.
Speaking after a three-day Cabinet meeting on Sunday, Mbeki said it was up to Zimbabwe to restore economic and political stability, and made his strongest comments yet on Zimbabwe’s economic crisis. He has come under growing criticism, domestically and internationally, for his silence on the issue.
Mbeki confirmed that his officials were considering ways to pay off the $300-million that the Mugabe government owes to the International Monetary Fund.
Zimbabwe risks becoming the second country ever to be expelled from the IMF later this month.
Mbeki said the termination of Zimbabwe’s membership would be “counterproductive” because it would create “a bigger problem” that would “require bigger resources to solve”.
Mbeki did not outline the political and economic reforms that his officials are demanding of Mugabe except to say that any agreement reached “has to be an inclusive one taking on the broad interests and concerns of all Zimbabweans”.
He said he would discuss the economic aid with Zimbabwe’s opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change. Mbeki also avoided criticising Mugabe’s housing demolitions, two days after a UN report found that the forced eviction of about 700 000 Zimbabweans violated international as well as domestic laws.
The South African leader said his government would be looking for ways to assist the uprooted Zimbabweans. Mugabe arrived in China on Saturday for a six-day visit. He flew on an Air Zimbabwe jet, although most other flights by the state-owned airline were cancelled last week due to fuel shortages.
In addition to financial aid, Mugabe is expected to ask Chinese leaders to block any action by the UN security council over his housing demolitions. In return, China is expected to require access to Zimbabwe’s platinum deposits, the second largest in the world.
Mugabe’s trip highlights his growing dependence on Beijing. In the past few months the Zimbabwean government has imported Chinese jet fighters, passenger aircraft and buses. – Guardian Unlimited (194)Â Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005
Source: Daily Mail & Guardian
URL: http://www.mg.co.za/articlepage.aspx?area=
Source: http://archive.africancrisis.info/?p=105884
GoyimTV: About HandSome Truths Shout Outs to Jan Lamprecht of History Reviewed
I want to take a moment to address something that has come up multiple times regarding Handsome Truth of GoyimTV and his shout-outs to me.