Libyan war: Fake Libyan dinars, printed in Russia, fund Haftar’s military

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2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!
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[Nationalism is breaking down for other races. Liberalism is failing. And I like the way WAR rages in northern Africa and Western and Eastern Africa. Jan]

Some Libyans are refusing to accept the new banknotes because the currency is funding renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar’s military campaign.

by Malik Traina

More than a billion dollars worth of new banknotes found in two shipping containers a couple of months ago were yet another sign of Russia’s influence in Libya.

The cash stash found on the Mediterranean island of Malta was en route from the printing works in Moscow to renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar’s forces in eastern Libya.

The internationally-recognised government in Tripoli says the money is counterfeit.

Haftar is accused of using the counterfeit banknotes to fund his failed military campaign to capture Tripoli.

Al Jazeera’s Malik Traina reports from the former rebel stronghold of Misrata.


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