Liberal or Jew(?) says: F*ck White Farmers in S.Africa – Its PAYBACK for Apartheid!


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S.Africa: Hideous: 5 children murdered for Witchcraft
Blacks in Africa believe in Witchcraft like crazy. Even Black Christians regard Witchcraft as more powerful than the Bible. Murders of Blacks for body parts for Witchcraft goes on in Africa all the time. Here‘s a story from SA.

[I don’t know who this Liberal scumbag is, and whether he is a Jew or not. His name is a bit weird. Maybe a Jew? I don’t know. But look at what this piece of garbage put out on the social media. I think there’s a strong chance this guy is a Jew. Jan]

One of my followers on Gab, who calls himself Hendrik Verwoerd, commented on this piece of (Jew?) shit in a way I like.

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