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Best Independent Website that monitors Ukrainian Tank losses in Ukraine War
Oryx is a brilliant independent Dutch website that monitors lots of military losses including the losses of Russian and Ukrainian tanks. They ONLY count vehicles that they can get photos of and can prove that these are the correct vehicles that were destroyed. This link will take you to see the verified Ukrainian tank losses and you can click to see the photos.

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If you’re still not receiving it, then drop me a message on the Contact us page (though don’t expect a reply soon as I’m overloaded – but I am making a big effort to get back to replying).

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2008 Report: Russian Generals Analysis of a Future (Terrible) South African Civil War
This is an article an awesome American supporter, JoAn Wilcox found on a Russian website in 2008 and she translated it into English. This was a Russian General‘s assessment of SA. He was not impressed with the Blacks.

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