Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared… scientists baffled


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Get a Free PDF Book: How to Master Secret Work
Much of what is in this book was probably written by the KGB and the South African Communist Party. In it‘s day the KGB was the biggest spying organisation on Earth, with tens of thousands of agents in America alone. They even operated in South Africa. This advice in this ANC Manual was published in Black Magazines in South Africa to teach the Blacks how to operate Covertly against the Whites.

[It is only here in South Africa that we constantly hear about COVID though there is little of it around that I know of. Jan]

Almost nobody in Africa is getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and as a result there is almost no covid anywhere to be found on the continent.

The latest reports from the mainstream media admit that the plandemic is basically non-existent in Africa, which is confusing to those who believe the narrative that the jabs are helping to eradicate disease.

A recent piece from the Associated Press (AP) explains that in Zimbabwe, nobody wears a mask, nobody is vaccinated, and life goes on as normal. People pack the local markets in close proximity to one another and, by golly, nobody is getting sick.

“Covid-19 is gone,” stated a man named Nyasha Ndou, who joked with reporters about how he keeps a mask in his pants “to protect my pocket.”

“When did you last hear of anyone who has died of Covid-19?” he further asked, adding that the only reason he keeps a mask on his person is to avoid potential confrontations with corrupt local police.

In the past week, Zimbabwe recorded just 33 new “cases” of the Chinese Virus. And most of these are more than likely fake, seeing as how the PCR tests are completely fraudulent and designed to pick up the common cold.

This is further substantiated by the fact that there have been no covid deaths, even by the government’s corrupt reporting standards. For all intents and purposes, the Fauci Flu is gone from Zimbabwe, even without the injections.
The only areas of the world seeing mass disease and death are those pushing the “vaccines”

Zimbabwe is hardly an outlier, just to be clear. Pretty much all of Africa, the AP admits, is not seeing the wave of deaths that was promised by the plandemic liars at the start of this whole thing.

In fact, the exact opposite ended up materializing. Had the media and government not pushed the Chinese Virus narrative, the presence of an alleged new virus probably never would have been apparent at all.

Brainwashing and fearmongering are the only reason why the so-called virus even exists, it would seem. Were there no internet, television or governments pushing the lie, life would more than likely be about the same as it was prior to 2020.

“Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight Covid-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University about another “strange” factor in the African equation.

To people like El-Sadr, it makes no sense that countries where vaccines are not being used are faring better than those where the jabs are widely used. The AP has called this a “mysterious” development, but our readers know better.

Only about six percent of Africa is currently jabbed for the Chinese Flu. And yet the continent remains “one of the least affected regions in the world” when it comes to the plandemic.

The “experts” are scrambling to come up with an explanation – and they are doing a poor job of it, by the way. To anyone with a brain, it is obvious that there is a direct correlation between getting injected and getting sick or dying.

“We went into this project thinking we would see a higher rate of negative outcomes in people with a history of malaria infections because that’s what was seen in patients co-infected with malaria and Ebola,” added Jane Achan, a senior research advisor at the Malaria Consortium.

“We were actually quite surprised to see the opposite – that malaria may have a protective effect.”


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Get a Free PDF Book: White Power (1967) by George Lincoln Rockwell
This is the original book written by the late, great George Lincoln Rockwell, the US Navy Pilot who founded the American NAZI Party.Rockwell was the most determined White American who lived in modern times. He was patriotic to America and totally patriotic to the White Race. He supported Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. The Jews sent snipers to kill him and on the 2nd attempt they killed him.

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