Video: Are Jews trying to start WW3?


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Video & Audio: Ultimate Race War: Could White Rhodesians have survived outnumbered 30:1?
In this video we will look at a scenario that, in theory is totally IMPOSSIBLE to survive. All Rhodesian military officers, in their writings, said that there was no military solution to the Rhodesian problem. In this video we will explore a situation that, in theory, seems to be impossible to survive.

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This is a re-release of a video I did almost 2 years ago which is still relevant and worth following up on: I discuss how Jews infiltrate Christianity and also Islam. Jews infiltrate anything! Jews boast about how they infiltrate Muslims. I made this video in 2015 wherein I discuss why I believe the Jews are going to do their utmost to start WW3 using every trick in the book. It may take them a few years (as it did when they started WW2 in 1933) I discuss how Jews stir hatred between Christians and Muslims and how they want Christians and Muslims to slaughter each other while the Jews do nothing! The Jews are the beneficiaries of these malicious tactics.

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